What is the weather today?

We use Forecast for PFMTV weather.

The forecast is found at the bottom of this page — refresh the page to update the forecast.

Click on an option below to go to that Weather Background.

  1. Sunny
  2. Partly Cloudy
  3. Rainy
  4. Stormy
  5. Snowing
  6. Clear Night
  7. Cloudy Night
  8. Rainy Night
  9. Stormy Night
  10. Snowy Night

© Lachlan Campbell, 2013. Weather forecasts © Forecast.io.
Animations © Justin Aguilar
All parts of the website, except for the weather forecasts and animations, were created from scratch by Lachlan.
The website is for use at Park Forest Middle School, but enjoy looking around if you happened to stumble upon it.